CO poisoning hospitalizations

CO poisoning hospitalizations in Minnesota:

People who are severely poisoned by carbon monoxide (CO) require hospitalization. Hospitalizations for CO poisoning may also represent patients who require monitoring over several days because of concurrent health conditions or other complications. 


The rate of hospitalizations for CO poisoning varied from year to year between 2000 and 2018. Between 2007 and 2009, Minnesota began implementing a law requiring CO alarms in all single-family homes and multi-dwelling buildings. The new law could be a factor in the decline in CO poisonings the age-adjusted hospitalization rates from 2009-2014.


Carbon monoxide poisoning hospitalizations increase with age for both sexes. Men are hospitalized at a greater rate than women in every age category. 


This graph shows the total number of CO poisoning hospitalizations by month. Non-fire related, unintentional CO poisoning hospitalizations follow a seasonal pattern, with more admissions in the fall and winter and fewer admissions in the spring and summer. This trend reflects the higher use of fuel-burning devices during colder weather.


Last updated August 2022. Content is updated as data becomes available.