CO poisoning ED visits

Emergency department visits for CO poisonings in Minnesota:

Emergency department (ED) visits for CO poisoning can represent a range of CO exposures, from suspected exposure to severe poisonings. These ED visits may result in treatment and release, in hospitalization, or in death. ED visits that subsequently result in hospitalization are counted as inpatient hospitalizations and are counted as an ED visit.

Between 2007 and 2009, Minnesota began implementing a law requiring CO alarms in all single-family homes and multi-dwelling buildings.

The rate of CO poisoning ED visits is lowest among females aged 65+ and highest among adults between age 15 and age 34. Males have a higher rate of CO poisoningemergency department visits. 

Unintentional, non-fire related CO poisoning emergency department visits follow a seasonal pattern, with more visits in the fall and winter and fewer visits in the spring and summer. During the winter, people use fuel-burning heaters more often, increasing the risk of CO poisoning.


Last updated August 2022. Content is updated as data becomes available.